On Lent and the Transfiguration

Mount Tabor, Israel

Those of you who have been to visit the Holy Land may remember a trip up Mount Tabor, in the taxis that went round and round until they finally got there. They’ve replaced them with posh minibuses now but they still go round and round near the edge. This is where the Transfiguration of Jesus took place, and there is now a wonderful church with two side alcoves, one for Moses and one for Elijah. I will always remember my trip to that church and the dear late Mary Stainer singing a hymn inside with its beautiful acoustic.

Jesus was changed; He was changed by God, who called him - and this is what we should be praying, that we should be changed by God’s only beloved son, and become transfigured or transformed into something which is beautiful.

And I want to reflect a little on how we can be transformed by Lent. This should not be a sense of duty, but a calling from God to prepare for the Feast of Easter. Lent is isn’t just about giving something up, but taking something on, in the name of God - something to be joyful about. And I want to encourage you all to make as much use as you can of the many Sacraments of the Church, where appropriate.

Come and be ‘ashed’ at our Ash Wednesday Service. Come and make your Confession to Almighty God - and receive the forgiveness of the Church. Ask whether God is calling you to be Confirmed, or Ordained, even. You’d be amazed how many people feel themselves called by God to do various things during Lent. If you’re having a hospital operation or are feeling ill, ask to be anointed. If you haven’t been baptised, you can’t go up the rung of the ladder of the Sacraments. And the Eucharist – that’s we go come to church for - to give thanks to God for giving us his Son. So there are many opportunities in Lent to prepare for Easter, the great High Feast.

I am always amazed how little value people place on Easter – when it comes to the press and others who are ignorant of the church’s rites, they think Christmas is the great thing, but it’s not. The great feast in the church’s year is Easter.

Let the Church transform you, let God transfigure you – and use Lent to the glory of God, that we may be prepared for Easter when it comes around.


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