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Who we are

Since our consecration in 1696, our purpose has been to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ afresh in each generation to the people of Gosport and beyond.

Our life as a church is centred around Christ, expressed through four modes:

  • Worship – the primary purpose of Holy Trinity is the worship of God through Jesus Christ, by participation in which we our transformed and renewed. As a worshipping community within the Anglo-Catholic tradition of the Church of England, we aim to be a centre of excellence for this expression of the Christian Faith.

  • Discipleship – as Christians we aim to ever-deepen our understanding of the life and work of Christ and of the Christian Faith to better follow in His example and grow in holiness.

  • Fellowship – though we are many, we are one body: as a community we seek to support each other through mutual love and affection.

  • Service – the Church exists primarily for the benefit of those outside it. We are committed to serving the people of Gosport, both friend and stranger, without condition or reward. In our example we aim to model and witness Christ, who came to serve, not to be served.

Across all we do, we seek to embody three key values:

  • Welcoming – that all who visit Holy Trinity, in whatever capacity, are received as if Christ and are refreshed and rewarded by the experience.

  • Caring – that in all we do, both within our congregation and beyond, we put care and love of one another at the heart of our action, seeking always to give, rather than receive.

  • Outward-facing – Christ founded his Church for the whole world and we are merely its stewards. As a community, we must always look to those beyond our congregation, seeking out ways in which we can demonstrate Christ’s love for them.


  • Fr Godfrey Chigumira

    Team Vicar

  • Mthr Margaret Hay

    Retired Priest with Permission to Officiate

  • Rev. Canon Mike Sheffield

    Retired Priest with Permission to Officiate

  • Rev. Canon John Draper

    Retired Priest with Permission to Officiate

Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Holy Trinity is part of the joint parish of ‘Haven Church’, with our sister churches, Saint John’s and Christ Church. Below are the elected and ex-officio PCC representatives for Holy Trinity.

  • Jo Snape


  • Peter Darcy

    Deputy Churchwarden, Sexton and Deanery Synod Representative

  • Jenny Darcy

    Verger and Sacristan

  • Wendy Hunt

    Assistant Treasurer

  • Helen Kendry


  • Mary Ball

    Deanery Synod Representative

  • Dominic Dawson

    Lay Representative

  • Elizabeth Miles

    Lay Representative

  • Lynda Sheffield

    Lay Representative


  • Maggie McMurray

    Honorary Artistic Director