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Sponsoring the bread and wine
All our worship is offered to the glory of God and for the needs of the Church and the whole world. At the same time, all present bring their own particular prayers - our hopes, our anxieties, our thanksgivings - that are united to our worship and offered up to the Lord.
On special occasions, if you choose, you may wish to sponsor the bread and wine used to celebrate the Eucharist. You might want to do this to give thanks for a significant event, anniversary or person or in remembrance of a loved one who has died. If the bread and wine has been sponsored for a given Mass, this is recorded in the service sheet for that day, along with the reason.
If you would like to sponsor the bread and wine, please contact Lynda Sheffield with the name or significant event, reason for sponsoring, and the service you would like to sponsor for, with at least two weeks’ notice. You can speak to Lynda at church, email her using the contact form below, or submit your request using one of the slips at the back of church.
The cost of sponsoring is £5. All donations contribute towards our general funds and help us to maintain our beautiful church and continue to do God’s work in our community.
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