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Bible Study Group

The Bible is a collection of texts in two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament comprises the sacred scriptures of the Jewish people at the time of Christ. These writings formed the authoritative scriptures of the earliest Christians. Alongside the Jewish scriptures, writings from within the early Christian community, which came to be known as the New Testament, took on a similarly authoritative role. Among these writings, the four gospels bear witness to the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The epistles, or letters, help to spell out the centrality and the significance of this for a Christian way of life within the developing Christian movement, and also address practical problems faced by the early believers.

The biblical texts provide a foundation for our shared Christian Faith. We believe that our scripture is uniquely inspired and conveys the Word of God in human language. It is not a straightforward history book, or science book: much of the Bible is poetry, song, and mythology. What unites these disparate writings - composed in different times, places, and languages - is that they tell of God’s relationship with His people through the centuries. This record always needs to be carefully interpreted in the context of the Church’s faith, prayer and worship, and in such a way that what scripture said for its original audience is faithfully re–expressed for the modern world.

Growing in knowledge and understanding of what the Bible teaches - and what it means -  is part of Christian formation. Holy Trinity has a weekly Bible study group that is open to all, for those who wish to learn more.

6pm, Thursdays at Holy Trinity

Bible Study Group is taking a break for Lent, while we run our Wednesday Lent Course, and will return after Easter Sunday.