Home > Lent and Easter 2025


Lent is the 40 days before Easter when we seek to renew our spiritual devotion to God, through self-sacrifice, extra prayer, and good works. It echoes the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation and is therefore a time of solemn penitence, albeit one that looks forward to the great celebration of Easter.

Stations of the Cross

1st and 3rd Sundays until Easter Day, 4pm until the clocks go forward, 6pm thereafter.

Stations of the Cross is an ancient service in which we re-enact Christ's journey to his death by walking through the church, pausing at points for prayer and meditation on the events of the Crucifixion.

Lent Course

Wednesdays during Lent, 3pm

Our mid-week Lent course this year follows the Church of England’s theme, ‘Living Hope’. The course encourages us to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is with us at all times. Sessions will take the form of led reflections, group discussions, and sharing experiences relating to the Lent Course. All are welcome.

Palm Sunday

Sunday 13 April, 11am

We mark the beginning of Holy Week with our Palm Sunday service, where we recall Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and the events of the final week of his earthly life are set in motion.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday 17 April, 8pm

In this service, we remember the last night of Christ's life, where he washed his disciples' feet and celebrated the first Eucharist. We then strip the church altars and start a prayer vigil before the Blessed Sacrament, continuing until midnight. You are welcome to come and go during this time.

Good Friday

Friday 18 April, 2pm

In the stripped and bare church, we commemorate Christ's death. The story of his passion is read, after which the Cross is venerated. This ancient and solemn service ends with the receiving of Holy Communion.


Easter is the major festival of the Christian year and joyfully marks Christ's rising from the dead and defeat of the powers of evil. Easter Day marks the beginning of 50 days of celebration and rejoicing for the Church.

Holy Saturday:
The Easter Vigil

Saturday 19 April, 8pm

We give thanks with joy for the resurrection of Christ with a beautiful service of readings and the lighting of the new Paschal Candle. With hymns of praise we celebrate together the first Mass of Easter.

Easter Day:
Parish Mass

Sunday 20 April, 11am

In our Parish Mass for Easter Day we renew together our baptismal promises and bless our Easter Garden, marking the new life that has come into the world through Christ.

Stations of the Resurrection

1st and 3rd Sundays in Eastertide, beginning on Easter Day, 6pm

He is Risen indeed! Alleluia! We pilgrimage around the church on the Way of Light, pausing for prayer and meditation as we recall Christ's resurrection appearances.